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The Sleep Prescription: Why A Night Routine Is So Important

Today I’m writing about discovering why having a night time routine is so important. I’ve been so drawn to journaling and sharing about this on Aurras because it is something I’ve had trouble and struggle with for years. I’ve always aced my morning routine but night time routine?? Quite opposite in fact, how ironic since I’m a sound therapist. 

I started to explore that side of my daily life and wondered why my sleep wasn’t as great as it could be. I’ve noticed a couple of things played a role:

What I’ve consumed throughout the day through:

Screen consumption - especially what you consume before bed. 

Nutrition - Caffeine and sugar intake

Energetic interactions surrounding me 

*Stress levels*

It is usually only when I get into bed do I then realize my jaw has been locked and tightened for hours.. and somehow it’s become normal?? Huh? Normal - I don’t think so. 

As someone with PCOS sleep has definitely been a struggle due to my insulin levels skyrocketing and then crashing making my brain switch on immediately throughout the night while my body is exhausted. One day my attention was caught by a book about night routines - that is when I never thought of a night routine becoming such a ritual, I usually did my skincare routine and went to bed but this book has taught me it’s more than that. 

A night routine is so important because just like your morning routine it sets you up for a night of great deep DELTA infused sleep. Which is what we all need to get through 8-9 hours without waking up cranky. 

I began to experiment after the book and here’s what I’ve learned:

No screens in bed (duh)  - We’re all guilty of it but blue light significantly effects our brainwave and automatically puts our brain into the Alpha state (high alert, focus) which is not something we want when getting ready to snooze for a dozen hours.

Magnesium is your bestie - whether it’s in cream or oral form magnesium contains nutrients that allow your muscles to naturally de-stress. The tension you hold in your body, or in my case my jaw, will be released with magnesium. A great relaxer 

CBD - Similar to magnesium, CBD is a natural component that allows the body to relax and momentarily de-stress and release any thoughts that may trigger a proper good nights sleep. It derives from the Marijuana leaf but does not contain any THC, making it legal and great for the body. CBD comes in different forms such as oil to be consumed orally, creams to be used topically and joints to be smoked. 

Lavender - This has made my night routine a little more magical. I started drinking lavender by seeping it into my teas or creating a sweet little latte. Lavender is a natural relaxer even using it as aroma therapy will help calm any high tensity feelings. 

Gua Sha to Skin Care Routine - I’ve always loved adding Gua Sha into my skincare routine. A traditional Chinese medicine technique used to reduce systemic inflammation, improve circulation, and/or increase range of motion using a smooth edge tool - usually made out of a beautiful crystal. 

I also began incorporating the Gua Sha hair comb to my night time routine to circulate some blood flow on my scalp and to release any tension on the head. 

And finally - listening to Aurras. Listening to sound frequencies before or during sleep allows your body to dive into the Theta state which allows your body and mind full relaxation. My favourite one to listen to before bed is Root 415 Hz.

Play It Here

Book: The Sleep Prescription: Seven Days to Unlocking Your Best Rest

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The Impact of Sound: We Are Sound & Sound Is Us

My thoughts have been captivated by the intriguing world of sound frequencies and their profound impact on human existence. Sound surrounds us as an energetic field, shaping our lives in ways we may not even realize. It influences how we perceive colours, interact with others, experience nature, engage with art and culture, and even affects our well-being through a medicinal approach.

At the core of this fascination lies the scientific basis for sound's influence on our lives. Sound waves travel through the air, reaching our ears and creating auditory perceptions that our brains process into a rich tapestry of experiences. Beyond mere sensations, sound frequencies have the power to influence our behaviour, emotions, and cognitive processes. They can shape how we walk, talk, and react emotionally, highlighting their impact on both our physical and psychological aspects.

One particularly intriguing aspect is the influence of sound on our subconscious mind. Our words are spells, but what makes them spells? The vibrational energy it comes from. For instance, you look at yourself in the mirror, the first thought you have is how you would describe yourself in that moment. These thoughts have a voice where sometimes it’s your own voice and sometimes it is not - those thoughts may come from what you were conditioned to from others. For instance it could be a parent’s voice telling you sweet or negative things. These voices then have a huge role in impacting your intentions - your mood switches which your energy then shifts. The way that your thoughts are heard is what shapes your inner environment. The sound of your own voice is what impacts your surroundings. 

Sound is a means of communication that conveys information and intentions. When we speak, our vocal cords produce sound waves that carry the information of our words, pitch, and intensity. This acoustic communication fosters shared understanding and emotional responses, aligning with the idea of "words are spells" in how they influence our interactions.

The synchronization of brainwave patterns with specific musical rhythms and harmonies illustrates the effect of sound on our neural activities. This begins to get super interesting because the way sound is noticeably perceived is mainly through music. However, each living being, object, organism has a frequency that it belongs to. We are sound and sound is us. 

Sound's influence is not limited to the auditory experience; it can have internal implications on our biological processes. Fascinating studies on synesthesia have shed light on the interconnectedness of sensory experiences. You can learn about this via Neil Harbisson. He perceives colours through sound and it is extremely fascinating. 

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Why I Became a Sound Bath Facilitator: My Journey to Overcoming Anxiety and Hormonal Imbalance.

Sound therapy has been a powerful tool in my personal journey towards physical healing and reducing stress. I began my journey as a sound bath facilitator after experiencing first-hand the positive impact that different sound frequencies and vibrations can have on our mind and body.

Throughout my early 20’s, I had experienced heightened anxiety, hormonal imbalances (PCOS), and a sense of helplessness. I was in pain, had low self esteem, and was not convinced that western medicine was helping me, but it was rather making all the symptoms worse. It wasn't until I discovered the practice of sound therapy that I found relief and discovered a new sense of inner peace. I discovered how to harness the healing potential of sound vibrations through sound therapy. As a musician, it also created this whole new love for sound.

So you’re probably wondering what is Sound Therapy? Sound therapy works by using different sound frequencies and vibrations to create an environment that promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and balances the mind and body. It is a holistic approach to healing that recognizes the interconnectedness of all aspects of our being. By creating an environment that fosters relaxation, sound therapy helps to release tension and negative energy, allowing the body to heal and recharge.

I discovered the power of sound therapy through my own personal experience with sound baths. A sound bath is a form of meditation that involves being surrounded by traditional instruments that sing at different frequencies, such as singing bowls, gongs, chimes, and other instruments. During a sound bath, the sounds and vibrations work to align the mind, body, and spirit, creating a sense of inner peace and harmony.

The experience was life-changing for me. I felt a deep sense of relaxation and release as I was surrounded by the beautiful and calming sounds. Over time, I began to notice a reduction in my anxiety levels and as well as symptoms of my PCOS condition fading and a balancing of my hormones. I was amazed at how much our mind and body can be physically healed using holistic practices and different sound waves to adapt the brain into a less stressed state.

To sum this little letter up, I’m grateful to have crossed paths with sound therapy. It has not only helped me to overcome my own struggles with anxiety and hormonal imbalances, but it has also allowed me to share the transformative power of sound therapy with others.

If you are seeking a holistic approach to elevate your wellbeing, a sound bath

might just be the right fit for your needs.

You can also try Aurras IRL if you are in Copenhagen. Feel free to check out our affiliations on the “Contact” page.

With love,


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Pure Raw Cacao & All Its Glory: The Magic of Hot Cacao-late.

Cacao is the raw, unprocessed form of chocolate and is a nutrient-dense superfood that has been consumed for thousands of years in various forms. It is rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, and minerals, and has a range of health benefits. Cacao has been a stable in my kitchen for many years, it’s a part of my morning ritual and has become a tradition for me. It reawakens my soul, and I cannot get enough of it.. slightly addicted.

If you’re wondering why I’m mentioning Cacao in today’s journal entry and wondering “What does Cacao have to do with sound frequencies?” Cacao has been used in various spiritual and ceremonial practices for centuries, particularly in South and Central America. The use of cacao in these practices is believed to have originated from the ancient Mayans and Aztecs, who considered cacao to be a sacred plant with powerful healing properties.

One of the reasons cacao is used in sound meditations and ceremonies is because it has a naturally uplifting and heart-opening effect on the mind and body. It contains theobromine and phenylethylamine, two compounds that can help to stimulate the release of endorphins and dopamine, the feel-good chemicals in the brain. This can help to create a sense of relaxation, euphoria, and emotional connection, making cacao an ideal complement to practices like sound meditation, where participants are seeking to connect more deeply with themselves and the world around them.

So, besides helping your brain reach euphoria, what are other benefits of Cacao?

What’s helped me most by making Cacao become my everyday drink is the magnesium intake it has. 499 mg per 100g. That’s 130% more than our daily intake. It’s helped me with my symptoms related to hormonal issues, it’s been a source of comfort when my headspace wasn’t feeling so well, and it’s been a replacement for caffeine so I no longer have any jitters.

Other benefits include:

Heart Health: Cacao is rich in flavonoids, which have been shown to help reduce the risk of heart disease. Flavonoids help to lower blood pressure, improve blood flow, and reduce inflammation, all of which contribute to better heart health.

Mood and Brain Function: Cacao contains compounds that can help to boost mood and cognitive function. It contains theobromine, which is a natural stimulant that can increase energy levels and improve mental clarity. Cacao also contains phenylethylamine (PEA), a compound that can help to stimulate the release of endorphins, the feel-good hormones in the brain.

Weight Management: Cacao can help to support healthy weight management by reducing cravings and promoting satiety. It contains fiber, which can help to keep you feeling full for longer, and it also contains compounds that can help to reduce inflammation, which is a key factor in weight gain.

Skin Health: Cacao is rich in antioxidants, which can help to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. It also contains compounds that can help to improve blood flow to the skin, which can help to promote a healthy, glowing complexion.

Blood Sugar Control: Cacao can help to improve insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar levels. This is due to its high magnesium content, which is essential for insulin function and glucose metabolism.

If you’d like to try incorporating Cacao into your morning or evening routine here’s a quick and easy recipe to a delicious hot cacao-late:


  • 1 cup of your choice of milk

  • 1 tablespoon of cacao powder

  • 1 teaspoon of honey or maple syrup (optional)


  1. In a small pot, heat milk with cacao and sweetener.

  2. Stir with a whisk/frother until boils.

  3. Pour into your favourite mug and enjoy!

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